Work really fucking sucked. It was one of those days where you need to dig into every tiny detail of the past week to see what went wrong where. I’d rather write SOPs for my position. I enjoy writing technical docs. I didn’t paint. I needed a day off. I’ve been working on the thing too aggressively and have been damaging the paint film. I’m giving it a day to breathe. Don’t know if I’ll have time to work on it tomorrow because I need to clean my place for an inspection. At this point in the painting I can’t do any more under painting of the foreground. I need to start using glazes and very small bristle brushes to do what I want to do. But first I should work on the heart more and the horizon and sky. That will point me in the right direction for how I’m gonna work on the color scheme for glazing the foreground.
July 30
Spent the first part of my day over at the Colorado DMV. Just so you know, the DMV out here really sucks. It goes by county. And each location isn’t standardized. Sometimes you wait for 2-3 hours just so someone at the counter will say “oh, you have to go over there”. Really fucking lame. Really. Fucking. Lame.
July 29
Work and some painting. But the painting has changed on me. The paynes grey fought me and won. I had to cover up the cobalt blue and grey mix with yellow ochre, titanium white, and burnt umber. The mountain skyline wasn’t working, it was too “soft”. The accidental over haze and shapes that emerged from the aggressive brush strokes made this become very inorganic. I think this is gonna work now.
July 28
Painted. Went to a local hardware store to get materials to re-do a chair I saved from the trash at an antique auction across the street. Turns out, chair stuff ain’t so easy to get as I thought it would be. Went back to my brothers and played more Demon Souls. Made a lot of progress... I think.
July 27
Painted. Took a break and went to my brothers place and started a file in Demon Souls. Damn, that game is old school. Lots of repeating areas. Like Zelda 2 on the NES. When you lose your lives, you gotta go back, sometimes way back just to get your ass beat again. Finished the night at The Artists Ball. Meh.
July 26
Only 30 minutes on the painting this morning. I think I’m seeing where the color balance will go. Top will match the bottom with the horizon as the dividing line. Middle left to right is gonna be light to dark then bottom right to left will be dark to light. The heart in the middle will be evened out by how I balance the colors in the center of the painting. I don’t think I’ll add any new colors to the pallet. I think what I have is good enough to do what I want to do. It’s getting the gray/blue mixture to work with me.
It’s been a slow day at work. I’m a whipping boy here though so I have to ask how high when ordered to jump.
I might be able to paint a portrait on Sunday though. Not a super quick one either. One I can start and actually put time and energy into and perhaps match the sitters personality as best as I can. That would be nice.
July 25
Working the angles. Trying not to think too hard about everything. Just work on the painting dude, just work on the painting.
Gave a bunch of desserts away this morning. I really hate seeing food go to waste. Besides, desserts are supposed to be happy food so they need to be shared.
Paint mother fucker, PAINT!
July 26
Only 30 minutes on the painting this morning. I think I’m seeing where the color balance will go. Top will match the bottom with the horizon as the dividing line. Middle left to right is gonna be light to dark then bottom right to left will be dark to light. The heart in the middle will be evened out by how I balance the colors in the center of the painting. I don’t think I’ll add any new colors to the pallet. I think what I have is good enough to do what I want to do. It’s getting the gray/blue mixture to work with me.
It’s been a slow day at work. I’m a whipping boy here though so I have to ask how high when ordered to jump.
I might be able to paint a portrait on Sunday though. Not a super quick one either. One I can start and actually put time and energy into and perhaps match the sitters personality as best as I can. That would be nice.
July 25
Working the angles. Trying not to think too hard about everything. Just work on the painting dude, just work on the painting.
Gave a bunch of desserts away this morning. I really hate seeing food go to waste. Besides, desserts are supposed to be happy food so they need to be shared.
Paint mother fucker, PAINT!